Liebster Award (2)

Welcome to my acceptance of the Liebster Award nomination by Jofina Anna Reji. Thank you so very much for nominating me Jofina! To be nominated once is a huge honor, but to be nominated by someone else for a second recognition is amazing. Thank You so very much for bestowing this honor upon me for the writing I do on my blog.


If you have not read any of Jofina’s posts on her blog, stop by and read! She writes honestly and from the heart! Her url is: Stop by, enjoy a cup of coffee, and read! Let her know you were there and comment on her posts. She will ever be welcoming your presence. Thank You, Jofina!


The Liebster Award is given to bloggers by other bloggers,ย This blog post tells us โ€œLiebster is German โ€” it means โ€˜sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.’โ€


Rules to the Liebster Blogger Award:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and give a link to their blog. Again, Jofina, Thank You for this highest of honors!
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  4. Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  5. Notify your nominees once youโ€™ve uploaded your post.


Jofina’s Questions to me:

1. What special talent do you have?

I think listening would be my ‘special talent.’

2. When did you start blogging?ย 

I tried to start several years ago, but I finally began to blog in earnest about a year or so ago.

3. One thing you learn from blogging?

In the beginning, I thought I had to make my blog into something specific. Over time, I learned that is not always the case. I learned the importance of, and have tried to let it develop over time rather than trying to force a particular format. This seems to be working well.

4. What is your profession?

By training, I am a counselor. I have a Master of Science Degree in Counseling Psychology. As an individual, I have developed many areas throughout my life. I have worked in varied positions and the combination has made me who I am today.

5. What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for each new day and all that each holds. These are blessings from God.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Five years from now, I will be a published author. I am currently working on one or more books of poetry. (I say, or more, because I am beginning to believe I need to separate them into related categories and publish smaller collections instead of one larger.) I am also working on an historical fiction novel. I have been researching it for about five years now. I knew what I needed to write from the beginning. However the plot and character arcs are finally falling into place in coherent linear from. So, while I still need to complete some more research, I have begun writing it, as well.

7. One of your favourite quote?

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13 — Holy Bible (NKJV)

8. Something new you wanna try?

I have a goal of learning some new languages. My research for the novel I am writing and for essays has required much of my time for the last several years. I am to the point now I am planning to begin those efforts again. To begin, I wish to learn Greek, Spanish and French.

9.Whatโ€™s the thing you like most about yourself?

I am able to understand the varied nuances that form a unique individual within each person I meet. No two are alike. I do not expect them to be alike, and I do not strive to push my beliefs upon others. I accept each as the unique individual creation God has made.

10.What 3 words describe you the best?

Spiritual — Loving — Creative

11.One of your favourite film and why?

“Ghost” — because it presents a husband and wife who love and respect each other — even with the quirks.


My Nominees:

  1. Sobia @
  2. Jayant Ahuja @
  3. shadawss @
  4. Introverted Thoughts @
  5. Somedatta @
  6. Doris @
  7. Kamya @
  8. Fatimah @
  9. Maxine @
  10. Simran @
  11. Shruti @


My Questions to My Nominees:

  1. What are the top three things you wish to accomplish with your blog posts?
  2. If you could visit any time period, past – present – future, when would it be and why?
  3. How do you see peer to peer awards, such as the Liebster Award, helping to move your efforts forward?
  4. How does your writing enhance you as a person?
  5. How much do you engage in social media?
  6. How has the coronavirus impacted your interactions with others?
  7. How does blogging enhance logical reasoning?
  8. How important is a healthy lifestyle to you?
  9. What three writers have had the most impact on your writing style?
  10. What “color” best depicts you emotionally?
  11. What “main character” would you most want to be?


My heartfelt thanks to each of you!

By tkbrown

I believe family is a gift from God and should be treated as such. I love writing with a broad array of intent and purpose. I have written poetry virtually all my life, and much nonfiction in academia. My expanded efforts in all areas have finally taken off in retirement. I have much to accomplish now that I have the time. Other hobbies are painting, researching ancestry and myriad topics for my writing, knitting, crocheting, cooking -- always trying new recipes and always cooking for my health. I have many other hobbies, but these seem to dominate most of my time. Oh, did I mention I am the mother of three grown children and grandmother of seven. I have been blessed immensely and am the happier for it.


  1. Hearty Congratulations on the award dear.
    Enjoyed reading your answers.All your answers were amazing.
    Your favourite quote is really very inspiring.
    A MILLION THANKS FOR NOMINATING ME.It really means a lot to me.
    Your questions are intresting.It will take some time for me to post about the same.I hope you understand.Thanks again for the nomination.
    Have an amazing day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank You so Much! I appreciate your appraisal, and you are welcome for the nomination. Much deserved. I understand on the time. It takes me a bit of time to do an award post because I try to be sure the answers are completely true, and I spend some time on my nominations too. So, I truly understand. Blessings to you, dear!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you dear one for this heartfelt nomination. It touches my heart and I am just honored to be mentioned here with all these wonderful bloggers. Congratulations to you and enjoyed reading all your answers to the questions. What a wonderful community we are as Christian Bloggers and the love and support is pretty amazing. Blessings on all your future posts!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are Most Welcome! My Pleasure! And, Thank You for the wonderful, kind words. Yes, Blogging is made even more special for me since I began the Spiritual Blogging alongside the rest. I don’t think I can be me without expressing this part of me. I am blessed to share that feeling with you and several others on here. Blessings to you as well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I find like my tag line……Writing alongside the LORD, that HE allows me to do just that. To see how HE works in my life and those around me. To witness and then to be able to write about it in the blog world. I am incredibly thankful for all the other bloggers out there writing for the LORD too. To be a part of this community humbles me.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Me too! Me too. I am currently writing a thank you to you and another blogger who I have known for a while. So look for the post. Honestly I had 3 nominations all at once and so I decided that just a simple thank you and why was best. I get overwhelmed with all of them. But will list you and her on my blog at least and give you the sweet credit you both deserve for even thinking of me. Bless your heart!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You! You are Much Appreciated! I appreciate you stopping by to peruse my blog, and I appreciate the ‘likes’. Thank You so very much! I look forward to seeing and hearing from you again! Blessings!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ well deserved. Loved your answers and views. And also thank you so so much for nominating me. Itโ€™s such a pleasure and Iโ€™m really humbled by your appreciation. Much love and stay blessed ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    Liked by 5 people

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