
~~ the poet ~~

Thank You for stopping by! I hope you enjoy perusal of poetry and other works posted here on my site. I am the author/poet/writer/essayist of each, and I look forward to interacting with you regarding these and future posts. If you like what you see, please click the “Like” button, leave a note in the “Comments” section below, and “Share” it forward. Again, Thank You so Much!

I started writing poetry when I was five years old. I had gone to Sunday School and learned about Jesus. I wrote a poem of five or six lines. I do not remember what I wrote, only that I wrote.

In seventh grade, we were given the assignment to write a haiku. For some reason the haiku form that we were given differs a bit from the generally accepted form, but I wrote.

30 May 2020 — A fellow blogger just suggested that this poem is very much like a limerick. After thinking about the assignment given, I believe he may be right. The assignment may have been to write a limerick rather than a haiku. At any rate, I stand corrected. The poem is a limerick! Thank You! I appreciate the correction!

See that big lily pad?
That's where I last saw dad.
It was green, and he was mean;
So, no one's really sad.

I wrote another one, but I don’t remember all of it – something about “I am so high I can see the British Isles – talking about a bird. The one above, of course, is about a big old toad frog. He must have been skewered and put on somebody’s plate for dinner. Frog legs are a delicacy, you know!

As the years passed, I continued to write poetry. At the age of 16, I wrote a poem entitled, “Oh, Silence is Deafening.” During my senior year in high school, it was published in the School Newspaper. I was a member of the journalism class and was talking with one of my peers about things we had written. I mentioned it, and she asked to read it. After she read it, she took it to our teacher, who then asked me to include it in the next publication of our paper. I was astonished that someone wanted to publish something I had written.

When I married and moved away from home, my Daddy game me a subscription to the “Writer’s Digest” as a Christmas gift. His dream for me was to one day see me a published author.

I continued to write as I traveled through life. Three children and seven grandchildren later, I am finally becoming a published poet. I hope to continue being published, not just by me – but by others too.

Thank you for reading and for viewing my page. I appreciate the support with which everyone is gifting me. Please encourage others to view my site. Soon, I hope to upgrade to my own domain. I hope you will all be there to cheer me on!



  1. Guten Tag

    Heute Nacht kam er
    mein Vater
    mir als Wiedergänger
    im Traum in den Sinn

    ich habe nichts anderes erwartet
    als Riese mit seinem Kumpan
    mich an die Mächtigen
    die Starken zu verraten

    das lag im schon in meiner
    Kindheit, ihm im Sinn
    ich kann es nun
    als alter Mann ertragen

    Herzliche Grüße
    Hans Gamma

    Good day

    He came tonight
    my father
    me as a revenant
    in the dream in mind

    I did not expect anything else
    as a giant with his sidekick
    me to the mighty
    to betray the strong

    that was already in mine
    Childhood, in his mind
    I can do it now
    endure as an old man

    Best regards
    Hans Gamma

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ” . . . I can do it now
      endure as an old man”
      Yes, it is what we receive from our parents, the gift of being able to endure as an old person. Thank You for sharing the beautiful poem.


  2. I’m very happy to read your story, I like your writing. You are a very nice family father of three, grandfather of seven. Please, send my regards to “Mrs. Poet” and to your children’s families. I would wish you all well and happy.
    Thanks, Mr. tkbrownwiter for visiting my site and followed, this is a great encouraged for me to write.
    I will visited your blog more often in the future.🌹😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I came up with a Haiku many years ago:

    Am I really here ?
    Others’ reactions say ‘yes’.
    Are they really here?

    I wrote the poem and then discovered what Haiku is, only had to chop a couple of syllables off the second line to make it officially a Haiku !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ein freundliches Hallo von mir. Deine Seite ist interessant. Ich werde mich hier ein wenig umschauen. Du folgst Deiner Berufung von Herzen. Viel Inspiration weiterhin dafür.

    Herzliche Grüße

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bonjour ou bonsoir mon amie, ami

    Je pense que cette journée sera illuminée de soleil
    Je viens te souhaiter une belle journée
    Sous une mélodie chanter par les oiseaux

    Journée de bonheur ou rien ne viendra te perturber
    Cette journée sera de beauté
    Bonsoir Amie AMI

    Pour cette nuit
    Je te souhaite une nuit de repos bien méritée
    Remplit de rèves flatteurs
    Des rèves que toi seule à le secret de bien gardé
    Sache que certains reves peuvent devenir réalité
    Que cette journée et soirée te soit des plus agréables
    Bisous amicales Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am glad I dropped by. YOU have a beauty and Grace about your Words. Glad to have connected. In God’s emerging Kingdom more and more pens are entering the internet space with words that bless and show love. May we all learn and grow so that God is honoured in ALL areas of written expression. Even fiction with Hope and Love as the heart. Blessings and Peace to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You so much for your kind words. They mean much to me. I, too, am glad you stopped by. Please visit often to peruse my posts and let me know what you think of them. I strive to embrace faith in Jesus and God in much of what I write. Even when it is not obvious, I try to be sure it is pleasing to them. Thank You for recognizing this in my writing. Blessings and Peace to you as well!


    1. Thank You! Yes, it is one of many Blessings with which my Lord above endows me. It is my daily joy to ‘reflect’ those blessings into the lives of others in the many and varied ways He has blessed me? You stopping by, following my blog and commenting words of praise and encouragement is one of His many Blessings to me as I try to increase the value of those talents. Thank You, so much! Your comment means much to me! Bless You!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You very much! Thank You for the Follow as well! I appreciate it. Yes, wrote a poem at age 5. It was just three or four lines, but I remember writing it. I just don’t remember the words. I wrote it at Sunday School.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are most welcome. It’s doesn’t matter how many lines you wrote and you don’t remember. U wrote it it’s enough at age 5.And thank you so much .

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You! Yes, you are right. It does fit the requirements of a limerick! That may have been what the teacher assigned, and I just got it mixed up over time. I appreciate your comment! Blessings!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. A poet by birth… is ur story I read about… only one person may take birth again and again… thats none another than a poet… while writing… So take as many births as… and ink your heart… with a wink on your mind… Do visit

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank You! I am glad you like them! Please feel free to press the “Menu” button on the upper right corner to see a dropdown of all my posts. Feel free to like and/or comment on any you choose to read. I like hearing what others think – whether they like or dislike what I have written, and why! Thank You, again! Have a Blessed Day!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well sure .. I will read your posts. You are a amazing writer. You have started your journey in the childhood. That’s great. Thank you. Stay connected.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi!

      Just stopped by to thank you for your generous likes and to welcome you to annieasksyou. I’m delighted to have you join me on what I call my technojourney. I hope you’ll visit often and feel free to comment when you’re motivated to do so.

      And I’ll be back here when I have a bit more time.


      Liked by 6 people

      1. Thank You, @annieasksyou, for your gracious welcome! I am enjoying perusing your site and hope you can peruse mine as well. I look forward to you continuing to stop by. Please feel free to comment. Let me know whether or not you like what you read. If you like it. Thank You and Welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you so much for your kind consideration of my work. I appreciate all my bloggers who follow my post and leave likes and comments. I usually don’t do the awards. I feel that the appreciation of my followers is sufficient. But, I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness. By the way The site address would not open when I tried.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thank You for telling me that. I have posted one at the end of my blog, but all it will do is bring you back to my award page. Go into my comment section and post your response from there!

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      4. I have updated my post with some additional information. It is an award from bloggers to other bloggers as a means of support for great work! I have some thoughts on the award with some support from Authors and Artists, but I need to pursue it before I go into it.

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      5. Now that I think about it, I have found that I could not access a website that was put into the comment section of the blog. Same with videos or YouTube clips. I had to go back to the original bloggers site to access it.

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