My Morning Do . . . “Acceptance of Others”

~~ by tkbrown

10 September 2020 — Acceptance seems to be shunned in this day and time. The “going thing” seems to be disagreement, protests, and persecution. There seems to be a tendency to equate acceptance with agreement. This perception is not reality based. Acceptance does not necessarily mean agreement.

The news today is filled with disagreement. From domestic disputes to world organizations, disagreement seems to be the norm. While some disagreement is a part of everyday life, and while harmful values are never to be condoned, we–as Christians–are to accept the right of others to be different from us and to believe differently from us. During His life here on earth, Jesus encountered many who were different from Him, but He never ridiculed, persecuted, or punished anyone for being on a different path. He did express rage toward the moneychangers and the merchants in the temple because they were defiling His Father’s house. He did not disagree with “what” they were doing. He disagreed with “where” they were engaging that activity (John 2:13-16 — NKJV).

When He met the Samaritan woman at the well, He discussed aspects of her life–apparently in depth–but He never once ridiculed or persecuted her because of who she was. If He had gone off on a tangent, ranting, raving, and destroying her property, would He have made a positive impression upon her? Would He have made a positive impression upon any of her acquaintances whom she brought back to the well to meet Him? Through the entire event, no one fought anyone to get a point across. Jesus impressed the Samaritan woman and her acquaintances with His acceptance of who they were, not with anger and malice toward them. John 4:39 says, “And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, ‘He told me all that I ever did.'” (NKJV) Jesus impressed upon her that He did not agree with or condone her way of life, but He never harmed her in any way.

My mother frequently referenced the old saying, “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” — Anonymous. She was right! That is what Jesus was impressing upon the multitudes as He delivered the Sermon on the Mount. He said, “‘Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets,'” (Matthew 7:12 — NKJV). During His time here on earth, Jesus had many differences of opinion and fact with others, but He never once addressed the issue in a harmful, ridiculing, or disrespectful manner. His responses were always short, kind, and to the point.

In today’s world, there are many different cultures–much the same as the world was in Jesus’ time. As Christians, what is the best way to lead someone to Christ: By lashing out, ranting, and raving at the difference with which we do not agree, or by quietly discussing the difference in what we believe and what the other person(s) believe? Christianity is a program of attraction, not of repulsion. Violence, ranting, and raving does not attract those who love God. We, as Christians, are instructed never to treat someone differently than we would want to be treated if the situation was reversed (John 2:13-16 — NKJV). We are also instructed to love our enemies. Again, in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “‘But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,'” (Matthew 5:44 — NKJV). The news today is filled with difference being addressed in many ways. The question we, as Christians, hold in our heart is: How would I want someone else to deal with me in this same situation? Food for thought in today’s world.

Have a Blessed Day!


Scripture References are from the Holy Bible — New King James Version (NKJV).



I consider myself Blessed far beyond any expectations I could ever have imagined. I have been nominated for the AWESOME BLOGGER AWARD by Sonal Mishra! She is an avid supporter! Many, Many Thanks, Sonal Mishra, for being such an Awesome Supporter of my blog site!

I cannot say enough to adequately express My Thanks! You are wonderful! And, you are talented to go along with it! Your artwork (sketches and paintings), your writing (poetry and blogs) are all from the heart. I have no doubt your singing is from the heart too! You have a special talent for expressing what you feel and see!

Please visit Sonal Mishra’s blog site: She is a very talented up-and-coming artist, author, singer, and poet who has a very big heart. Please support her work. I am sure we will be hearing a lot about Sonal in coming years! Her talents are many and varied!!


--  Thank the person who nominated you.
--  Tag the post with #awesomebloggeraward.
--  Answer their questions.
--  Nominate up to 5 bloggers and ask them 10 new questions.
--  Inform them of their nomination.


Sonal’s Questions to me:

Favorite place to visit?

Mountains — When I am in the mountains, I feel so very close to nature and to our creator! It is an awesome feeling!

Describe life in three words?

Choices — Consequences — Experience

Describe love in three words?

Admiration — Respect — Understanding

What advice would you give your teenage self?

If I could go back in time, I would tell my teenage self to “always hold to your moral values, and live the life they instill in you. Do not give in to pressure from others to forsake those values!”

How does it feel when you get ‘Likes’ or ‘Comments’ from bloggers?

I treasure the ‘Likes’ and the ‘Comments’ I receive from other bloggers. They give insight into how others respond to my writing. I know I will never please everyone with my posts. I would never want to please everyone, because to do so would be to give up who I am in order to be ‘a people pleaser’. The problem with this is, I may end up not liking myself in the end. It does help, however, to receive input as to what is liked and disliked. The comments give me food for thought.

What kind of books or blogs do you read?

I read a mix. I enjoy reading both nonfiction and fiction–if it is not vulgar, full of cursing, or obscene. My favorite fiction would be a very well-written historical fiction, but I read many genres. My nonfiction reading runs the gamut of the Dewey Decimal System. I just enjoy reading!

A memory that is closest to your heart and what did it make you feel in that moment?

I was walking with my grandson. He was not quite one year old. As we walked, he held to my finger, and I allowed him to set the pace. One day, he heard music and looked around to see where it was. I pointed to the pipe wind-chimes on a second-floor balcony. The look of awe and amazement on his face was precious. I will never forget it! Seeing the world through the eyes–and ears–of a toddler is like no other experience.

Few words for art?

Art comes in many forms. One might say it comes in as many forms as there are artists. I would say: Each artist may posess talents in many artistic areas. Thus, it comes in as many areas as the sum-total of all artists’ varied talents–because each artist expresses each form of art differently. Art is portrayed in photography, sketching, painting, sculpting, singing, authoring both prose and poetry (both of which are wrought in many forms), needlecraft of wide and varied options, even science is a form of art (when you think on it). So, choose your art, hone your talent. As a result, you will develop skills in a new area. When we utilize one talent to the best of our ability, we develop diverse artistic skills, because we begin to see the world with artistic eyes.

What were the challenges before you started blogging?

I was on Twitter long before I set up my WordPress page, and I was on WordPress for a year or so before I began actually blogging. I did not actively engage Twitter until I set up my WordPress page, which I did not feel comfortable imprinting with my blogs. I was afraid what I would write would not be liked. I had to get past that one fear. Finally, I decided the fear would not leave until I jumped in with both feet, and I was right. It took a bit after I began posting blogs to be comfortable in so doing. The more I wrote, the easier it became. Now, I post both inspiration and projects I assign myself. The more I write, the more I enjoy writing, and I write much that is never posted because I hope to publish it in physical form.

What is something that you want to learn?

Everything — lol. I have always loved reading; the more I read, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I discover I want to learn. Probably, the one thing I would like to have learned–and put into practice–would be neuropsychology. It is a relatively new area of study. The more we learn about the human brain, the more we see there is yet to be learned about it. To me, it is fascinating.


My Questions to my nominees:

In what form(s) of artistic expression do you engage?

How much of what you write is inspired versus assigned?

Do you have one physical location where you are most able to express yourself artistically? If so, where?

One becomes an author / poet by setting pen to paper whether or not he / she is ever published. Do you agree? Why?

Is there an area of artistic expression you would like to try, but have not yet engaged? If so, what? Why?

How much do you rely on social media?

In which brands of social media are you engaged, and why?

How much has the coronavirus pandemic affected your artistic expression, and in what ways?


Again, Thank You, Sonal, for nominating me for this award! Your awesome support is Much Appreciated!

To those of you reading, please go visit Sonal’s blog at She is an up-and-coming author, singer, poet, artist of many forms. Check out her many talents! I have no doubt, you will be amazed.

I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed creating this post! I look forward to you stopping by again soon! Blessings!
